Unexpectedly excellent for a Taiwanese app. English selection is there and English excellent is nice way too. However app directs to the website for prime up, the process is seamless. ※本遊戲情節涉及暴力(可愛人物打鬥)或未描述角色傷亡細節之攻擊等而無血腥畫面 反之,非法取得的點數卡俗稱黑卡
Unexpectedly excellent for a Taiwanese app. English selection is there and English excellent is nice way too. However app directs to the website for prime up, the process is seamless. ※本遊戲情節涉及暴力(可愛人物打鬥)或未描述角色傷亡細節之攻擊等而無血腥畫面 反之,非法取得的點數卡俗稱黑卡